Computers & IT
In the age of globalization and the unprecedented rapid development of digital technologies, the services of IT professionals turn out to be necessary for an increasing number of people. The design...

In the age of globalization and the unprecedented rapid development of digital technologies, the services of IT professionals turn out to be necessary for an increasing number of people.

The design of a website for business, for example, becomes an urgent necessity, even when the business is only gaining momentum. It’s not for nothing that Bill Gates said that people who are not on the Internet are not in business.

But it is not only limited to the creation of design, there are questions related to its functionality, designed to provide solutions to the problems of your customers. And then it comes to optimizing the resource for search engine requirements, expanding the capabilities for users (for example, by creating a mobile version or a mobile application).

Of course, you can try to carry out all these tasks by yourself. But are those efforts and time worth the result obtained in the form of missed opportunities?

The solution is to turn to those who know how to do the right thing quickly and professionally.

This category is the meeting point for those who want to provide IT services and those who need these services. Fair trade-off is obvious!

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Category – Computers & IT

03-07-2022, 14:02
Выполнить 6 лабораторных работ по Архитектуре компьютеров JOLS-M
Нужно выполнить и оформить 6 лабораторных работ по Архитектуре компьютеров JOLS-M, номер вариант задании 14. Вот лабы...
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03-07-2022, 12:11
Сделать 2 лабораторные работы по ассемблер
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30-05-2022, 08:35
Найти 12 людей, кто подпишется на чат-бот
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10-02-2021, 20:08
Налаштувати Folding@home клієнт для роботи з GPU
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30-01-2021, 15:56
Ищу тестеров
Для тестирования мобильного приложения, ищу команду тестеров
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26-01-2021, 03:49
Команда ищет вестальщика
Срочно нужно закончить верстку, осталось 5 страниц